Week beginning 2nd September


8.15 – 8.45 – Breakfast Club

3.00- 4.00 – Football trials (Primary 7)


8.15 – 8.45 – Breakfast Club

*Rugby sessions: P4, P5, P5/6

*Youth Music Initiative: P5

3.00- 4.00 – Football trials (Primary 6)


*Nursery, P1, P2 Fluoride Varnish*





Bonnie Blantyre Sunflower Competition

🌻Sunny Blantyre🌻

All children who attend David Livingstone Memorial Primary School were invited to join the, ‘Sunny Blantyre’ sunflower growing competition earlier this year.

The organisers now want to see who has grown the tallest sunflower(s) in our school. They would love you to post the sizes on their Facebook or Twitter feed along with the name of the child(ren) that grew them and the name of the school. It would be great if you could also share a photo.

They don’t just want to reward those that grew the tallest sunflowers. Every person who enters their sizes will receive a certificate of participation, so please do still share your sizes, even if your sunflower didn’t grow very tall. They also want to hear from those that tried to grow one and didn’t manage… You deserve a pat on the back too!

Every single person that shares their sizes/story will be invited along to a certificate presentation night on the evening of Monday 16th September at the TACT Hall. They’ll get to meet Bonnie and Grumble Bee – who doesn’t want to do that! It’s a lovely celebration of this community growing efforts!

Parent Council AGM 12/9/19

The A.G.M of the Parent Council will be held on Thursday 12th September 2019 at 6.30pm within the school. All parents wishing to come along are welcome to do so and should enter through the main entrance of the school.

The Parent Council is a combination of the old Parents Association or P.T.A. and the School Board and is recognised in law so it does have a voice. The school and the Local Authority must listen to what our Parent Council says and give it a proper response.

The first part of the meeting looks at school business and involves discussions with Mrs Callender. Topics for discussion may include Curriculum for Excellence, School Budgets or the School’s Improvement Plans.

The second part of the meeting involves the fund-raising side of the Council (the old P.T.A). Ideas are put forward for different ways that we, as a Parent Council, can raise money to benefit the pupils of the school. This can range from a School Disco to our Annual Christmas Fayre.

The meeting is a relaxed and friendly way to get involved in your child’s education. We are very keen to welcome new members. Being a member allows you to support the school in its work with the pupils, encourage links between parents, pupils and the wider community, represent the views of others and have the opportunity to meet and get to know other parents.

September’s meeting will follow on from the A.G.M, so if you have time to spare, we would love to see you there.

The Parent Council Members

Morven Ave, Blantyre, G72 9JY

Chairperson: Lesley MacDonald, Treasurer: Julie McMillan, Secretary: Jill Richardson

Celebrating Children’s Wider Achievements

At David Livingstone Memorial Primary we are very aware that lots of learning happens outside of school and we want to encourage children to share with us their experiences and successes so that these can be recognised and celebrated at our weekly assemblies which take place every Friday afternoon. The purpose of this is to raise the children’s self-esteem and to make them recognise the many skills, qualities and talents that they have as individuals. Children always feel so proud when they have the opportunity to tell others about their achievements. Children may also choose to bring in any medals, trophies, badges or certificates that they are awarded so that these can be shown to others at assembly, too.

We have established a special ‘Wider Achievement Wall’ in our school dining area, showcasing the many talents that our children have. At our weekly assembly, children who have achieved something special out of school will have their photograph taken and their picture will form part of our monthly achievements display.

Older children are usually able to verbalise very articulately their achievements, but for some of the younger children it would be helpful if you could provide us with some information. If your child achieves success in something outside of school, please let us know and/ or complete one of the forms, available from the school office, as required.

Wider Achievement

Child’s name: ______________________                Stage: _____________

Category of success/achievement

Personal challenge             Drama/theatre/performing arts

Music                                       Awards/badges from uniformed organisations

Charity work                         Sport

Art                                           Voluntary work

Dance                                      Other

Please give details of your child’s achievement

Parent/carer signature: __________________________Date: ____________________