Arrangements for the phased re-opening of SLC schools in January 2021 and Key worker enrolment form for emergency childcare in school.
Monthly Archives: December 2020
New restrictions
We await further details from the Scottish Government re the announcement on Saturday evening about the new restrictions highlighted for schools in January. We will provide you with an update specific to DLMPS as soon as we know more 💛💙
Financial Support for parents
SLC are pleased to announce some new financial supports for families who have pupils entitled to means tested Free School Meals. More info can be found on the SLC Website and on the attached letter.
School closure 7.12.20
Please see the attached letter regarding today’s school closure.
Fuel vouchers
Hamilton Citizen’s Advice Bureau are currently making referrals for clients via the fuel bank. Currently, these are £49 top-ups sent as a voucher code to your mobile which you take to your local paypoint to be added to your meter.
For more information call the main bureau – 01698 283477 and they will take some details. Vouchers can take up to 24 working hours to go through.