Week Beginning 18th June: Nurture Week

Monday 18th June: Mindful Monday


-P2 Athletics Club

Tuesday 19th June: Toastie Tuesday (toast on sale for 20p)

-Warburtons visiting P2

-P6/7 to M&D’s

-P4 swimming

-Final P4 Music and basketball sessions


Wednesday 20th June: Wonderful Wednesday

-Nurture Trip: Calderglen Country Park


Thursday 21st June: Think about it Thursday

-P3/4 and P6 to Science Centre

-Nursery Graduation at 10am


Evening: P7 Oscars Party


Friday 22nd June; Friendship Friday

-P7 visiting the church at 9:30am

-Meet the Teacher (meet new teacher for 2018/2019)

-1:15pm P7 Record of Achievement Assembly

Backpack Project for Mary’s Meals

To celebrate our Diamond Jubilee we decided to try and collect 60 backpacks in order to support Mary’s Meals and the children in Malawi. Primary 3/4 took responsibility for the collection and organisation of the backpacks. We managed to meet our target of 60 and actually sent an amazing 73 backpacks off to the charity! Well done P3/4 and all of the parents and carers of David Livingstone Memorial Primary School!

Week beginning 11th June

Healthy Café all week!

Monday 11th June

Library assistant attending assembly at 11am.

P2 athletics club (lunchtime)

7:00-8:30pm P7 Parent’s Information Session at Calderside Academy (no pupils allowed)


Tuesday 12th June

P7 to Calderside Academy (All Day)

P4 Basketball Club (lunchtime)

P4/5 Cricket Club 3:00 -4:00 (last session)


Wednesday 13th June

P7 to Calderside Academy (All Day)

P1 and P1/2 to Science Centre

P3 to the Circus


Thursday 14th June

P5 Titanic Showcase to parents (1:30pm)

P3 Dance Club 3:00 – 4:00




Friday 15th June

Scottish Maths Challenge Awards Ceremony (3 pupils attending)

All day visit from Honour & Glory for P5 (Titanic)