David Livvy’s Distanced Sports Day 2020

As we can’t do our usual Sports Day, Mrs Young and Mrs Bannatyne have prepared Sports Day activities for this weeks Health and Wellbeing Tasks, a virtual day(s) of sporting fun at home. The whole family can join in and points sheets are attached. Please get in touch via email/ google classroom or tag us on Twitter @dlivvies with your photographs/ videos and winners 🙂

The infant and upper stages have slightly different tasks but feel free to do one or the other or even mix activities from both packs. Have fun,



Mrs Bannatyne & Mrs Young

DLMPS in a Word

1st June 2020

Hi boys and girls!

I hope that you are all keeping safe and well.  I am missing you all so much and I can’t wait until we get the chance to be together again.  I’m sure that you’ve got lots of things to tell me!

Whilst the school is still closed, I am looking for you to help me with a special job for the new P1 children that will be starting at David Livingstone Memorial Primary in August.  What I’d like you to do is think of a word which you think describes our school, then write this in big, colourful letters on a piece of paper.  Next, ask someone who stays with you to take a photograph of you holding this poster, then email your picture to Miss Lattimer who is going to take responsibility for collating these in the form of a presentation that we post on our website for all of our new P1 intake.

Miss Lattimer’s email address is as follows:  gw07lattimerjennifer@glow.sch.uk

Please could I ask that you only email your photographs to Miss Lattimer and do not post them on Google Classroom so that we can all enjoy the great unveil at the same time?  Please could you also ensure that you photograph is sent in by this Friday (5th June) at the latest to give Miss Lattimer time to work her magic?  Thank you.

I look forward to seeing your ideas.

Take care and I hope that we’ll see one another soon.

Mrs Callender, 😊