Week beginning Monday 1st October

This week is Health week and the children will participate in lots of activities related to Health & Wellbeing.

Monday 1st October

Health Assembly

P7 Play Leader Training with Lesley

P5 Girls Football

P6 + P7 football training starts up (3.00 – 4.00)

Tuesday 2nd October

P4 Cricket

P5/ P6/P67/P7 Blantyre Bikes Better

Wednesday 3rd October

Breakfast Club starts

P5 Cricket

Thursday 4th October

P23/P3/P6 Mega Ball with Active Schools Co-ordinator

Friday 5th October

P1/P2/P5/P7 Rugby sessions


Free Reading App for infants

Good news for all infant parents, the ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’ app is free (a saving of £4.99) for one week only starting Monday 24th September. Great for reinforcing sounds, initial blends and reading readiness.


Week Beginning 17th September

Monday 17th September


Tuesday 18th September

*Youth Music Initiative for Primary 5

*Cricket for Primary 4

Wednesday 19th September

*Primary 5 music with Mr Reilly

Thursday 20th September

*Whole school sponsored bounce

Friday 21st September

*Whole school assembly

Week beginning 10th September

Monday 10th September



Tuesday 11th September

*Youth Music Initiative for Primary 5

Wednesday 12th September

*Primary 5 music with Mr Reilly

Thursday 13th September

*P4 Girls football

*6.30pm: Parent Council

Friday 14th September

*Whole school assembly